1. 現在地表示
2. 地図切り替え
3. 避難所レイヤ表示・非表示
4. 避難地情報検索
5. 洪水予報・水位周知河川指定
6. 指定自治体に移動
7. アプリ情報
- 国土数値情報 浸水想定区域データ(平成24年度作成,国土交通省)
- 国土数値情報 避難施設データ(平成24年度作成,国土交通省)
- 表示項目の誤字脱字には細心の注意を払っていますが,お気づきの点があればご連絡ください。
- 耐震補強などによる避難所の一時的な変更は反映されていませんのでご注意ください。
- ルート検索機能は路地などが反映されず,検索結果が正しくない可能性がありますのでご了承ください。
- 浸水想定区域データは平成23年度時点のデータになります。
- 本アプリはかなり重い部類に入ります。機種によってはフリーズしたように感じるかもしれませんので,逐次解析をなくしたバージョンも検討中です。
v1.0.4 2021年5月31日 | 最終バージョン |
v1.0.3 2021年2月23日 | iOS14のサポート |
v1.0.2 2019年11月13日 | iOS13のサポート ダークモードのサポート |
v1.0.1 2019年9月19日 | iOS 12のサポート iPad Pro(第3世代)のサポート バグの修正 |
v1.0 2018年7月19日 | 新規リリース |
This app is a viewer of flood hazard maps in Chugoku and Shikoku, Japan which includes Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime and Kochi prefecture. The app has all shelter information in Japan and floods in Chugoku and Shikoku. Therefore, it can search the nearest shelter and flood level at a current location or an arbitrary one.
How to Use
Please do not use this app without a rehearsal in time of a disaster, because the app was created for a desktop exercise. And be sure to check neighboring shelter information by a newsletter, etc. in your city.
The app shows an address and a flood level at a central location on a screen map. If the location has some floods, the app searches for the maximum flood level in the floods. Tap a shelter icon, it shows a balloon with shelter name and types. If you tap the balloon then, the app shows detailed information about the shelter. There is a toolbar under the screen. The toolbar has seven functions: Show current location, Change map type, Search shelters, Shelter layer switch, Floods layer switch, Move and App information.
1. Show current location
It moves the center of a screen map to a current location.
2. Change map type
It changes a map type in order of a map, a hybrid, and an aerial photograph.
3. Shelter layer switch
It turns on/off shelter icons. If the map scale is less than 1/250000, the icons are hidden automatically.
4. Search shelters
It searches the nearest shelter from a location that is the center of a screen map. And changes to detail check mode. You can check the nearest shelter and related floods in this mode. The finish is to tap the “Done” button.
5. Set target flood
You can choose a displaying flood. If you set the flood, the app shows the flood level of only chosen flood.
6. Move
It shows a local government list in Japan. If you select the government, the center of the screen map moves to a location of the selected government office.
7. App Information
It is displayed a legend, notices, data sources and exemption from liability.
Data Sources
- National Land Numerical Information, Flood Zones (2012, MLIT Japan)
- National Land Numerical Information, Shelters (2012, MLIT Japan)
- If you have found any English mistakes please let us know.
- The app doesn’t provide updated information in the case of shelters being retrofitted or relocated.
- The shortest route given may not always be accurate.
- Flood zone data is accurate as of 2012.
- Proper nouns are displayed in Japanese only.
Version History
v1.0.4 May 31, 2021 | The final version |
v1.0.3 Feb. 23, 2021 | Supported iOS 14. |
v1.0.2 Nov. 13, 2019 | Supported iOS 13. Supported Dark Mode. |
v1.0.1 Sept. 19, 2019 | Supported iOS 12. Supported iPad Pro 3rd Generation. Fixed bugs. |
v1.0 July 19, 2018 | New release |